This manual is for durexForth, a modern Forth system for the Commodore 64.


Why Forth?

Forth is a unique language. What is so special about it? It is a small, low-level language, which can easily be extended to a high-level, domain-specific language that does anything you want it to. Compared to C64 Basic, Forth is more attractive in almost every way. It is a lot faster, more memory effective, and more powerful.

Compared to C, the nice thing about Forth is that you can run the full development environment on your C64, with text editor, compiler, assembler and debugger. It makes for a more interactive and fun experience than running a cross-compiler on PC.

For a Forth introduction, refer to the excellent Starting Forth by Leo Brodie.

Comparing to other Forths

There are other Forths for C64, most notably Blazin' Forth. Blazin' Forth is excellent, but durexForth has some advantages:

  • durexForth uses text files instead of a custom block file system.

  • durexForth is smaller.

  • durexForth is faster.

  • durexForth can boot from cartridge.

  • durexForth implements the Forth 2012 core standard.

  • The durexForth editor is a vi clone.

  • durexForth is open source (available at Github).

Package Contents

durexForth is packaged as a 16-kByte .crt cartridge file and a .d64 disk image. Booting from cartridge is equivalent to booting from disk, except that cartridge is faster. The disk contains various optional Forth modules, as well as some appetizer demonstration programs, as follows:


The gfxdemo package demonstrates the high-resolution graphics, with some examples adapted from the book "Step-By-Step Programming C64 Graphics" by Phil Cornes. Show the demos by entering:

include gfxdemo

When an image has finished drawing, press space to continue.


The fractals package demonstrates turtle graphics by generating fractal images. Run it by entering:

include fractals

When an image has finished drawing, press space to continue.


The mmldemo package demonstrates the MML music capabilities. To play some music:

include mmldemo


The sprite package adds functionality for defining and displaying sprites. To run the demo:

include spritedemo


Meet the Interpreter

Start up durexForth. The system will greet you with a blinking yellow cursor, waiting for your input. This is the interpreter, which allows you to enter Forth code interactively.

Let us try the traditional first program: Type in .( Hello, world! ) (and press Return). The system will reply Hello, world! ok. The ok means that the system is healthy and ready to accept more input.

Now, let us try some mathematics. 1 1 + (followed by Return) will add 1 and 1, leaving 2 on the stack. This can be verified by entering .s to print the stack contents. Now enter . to pop the 2 and print it to screen, followed by another .s to verify that the stack is empty.

Let us define a word bg! for setting the border color…​

: bg! $d020 c! ;

Now try entering 1 bg! to change the border color to white. Then, try changing it back again with 0 bg!.

Introducing the Editor

The v editor is convenient for editing larger pieces of code. With it, you keep an entire source file loaded in RAM, and you can recompile and test it easily.

Start the editor by typing v. You will enter the red editor screen. To enter text, first press i to enter insert mode. This mode allows you to insert text into the buffer. You can see that it’s active on the I that appears in the lower left corner. This is a good start for creating a program!

Now, enter the following lines…​

: flash begin 1 $d020 +! again ; flash

…​and then press ← to leave insert mode. Press F7 to compile and run. If everything is entered right, you will see a beautiful color cycle.

When you finished watching, press RESTORE to quit your program, then enter v to reopen the editor.


If you want to color cycle as fast as possible, it is possible to use the durexForth assembler to generate machine code. code and ;code define a code word, just like : and ; define Forth words. Within a code word, you can use assembler mnemonics.

code flash
here ( push current addr )
$d020 inc,
jmp, ( jump to pushed addr )

It is also possible to use inline assembly within regular Forth words:

: flash begin [ $d020 inc, ] again ;
As the x register contains the parameter stack depth, your assembly code must leave it unchanged.

Console I/O Example

This piece of code reads from keyboard and sends back the chars to screen:

: foo key emit recurse ;

Printer Example

This piece of code prints a message to a printer on device #4, and then prints a message to the screen:

include io

: print-hello
4 device ( use device 4 )
0 0 47 7 open ioabort ( open address 7 as file 47, abort on failure )
47 chkout ioabort ( redirect output to file 47, abort on failure )
." Hello, printer!" cr
clrchn ( stop input and output redirection )
." Hello, screen!" cr
47 close ( close file 47 ) ;


The device number and address may differ between printer models. Commodore MPS series printers use address 0 to print in their uppercase/graphics font, and address 7 to print in their lowercase/uppercase font.


The editor is a vi clone. Launch it by entering v foo in the interpreter (foo being the file you want to edit). You can also enter v without argument to create an unnamed buffer. For more info about vi style editing, see the Vim web site.

Inserting Text

At startup, the editor is in command mode. These commands start insert mode, which allows you to enter text. Return to command mode with ←.


Insert text.


Replace text.


Append text.


Append text at end of line.


Change rest of line.


Substitute line.


Substitute character.


Open new line after cursor line.


Open new line on cursor line.


Change word.


hjkl or ⇐⇑⇓⇒

Move cursor left, down, up, right.


Scroll 1 line up.


Scroll 1 line down.


Half page up.


Half page down.


Go to previous word.


Go to next word.


Go to end of word.


Find char x forward.


Find char x backward.

0 or Home

Go to line start.


Go to line end.


Go to start of file.


Go to end of file.


Go to home window line.


Go to last window line.


Go to middle window line.


Search forward for the next occurrence of the string.


Search forward for the next occurrence of the word under the cursor.


Repeat the latest search.

Saving and Quitting

After quitting, the editor can be re-opened by entering v, and it will resume operations with the edit buffer preserved.


Save and exit.




Save. (Must be followed by return.)


Save as.


Compile and run editor contents. On completion, enter v to return to editor. To terminate a running program, press RESTORE.

Text Manipulation


Replace character under cursor.


Delete character.


Backspace-delete character.


Delete word.


Cut line.


Delete rest of line.


Yank (copy) line.


Paste line below cursor position.


Paste line on cursor position.


Join lines.

Forth Words

Stack Manipulation

drop ( a — )

Drop top of stack.

dup ( a — a a )

Duplicate top of stack.

swap ( a b — b a )

Swap top stack elements.

over ( a b — a b a )

Make a copy of the second item and push it on top.

rot ( a b c — b c a )

Rotate the third item to the top.

-rot ( a b c — c a b )

rot rot

2drop ( a b — )

Drop two topmost stack elements.

2dup ( a b — a b a b )

Duplicate two topmost stack elements.

?dup ( a — a a? )

Dup a if a differs from 0.

nip ( a b — b )

swap drop

tuck ( a b — b a b )

dup -rot

pick ( xu …​ x1 x0 u — xu …​ x1 x0 xu )

Pick from stack element with depth u to top of stack.

>r ( a — )

Move value from top of parameter stack to top of return stack.

r> ( — a )

Move value from top of return stack to top of parameter stack.

r@ ( — a )

Copy value from top of return stack to top of parameter stack.

depth ( — n)

n is the number of single-cell values contained in the data stack before n was placed on the stack.

lsb ( — addr)

The top address of the LSB parameter stack.

msb ( — addr)

The top address of the MSB parameter stack.


. ( n — )

Print top value of stack as signed number.

u. ( u — )

Print top value of stack as unsigned number.


See stack contents.

emit ( a — )

Print top value of stack as a PETSCII character. Example: q emit


Comment to end of line. (Used on C64/PETSCII.)


Comment to end of line. (Used when cross-compiling from PC/ASCII.)


Multiline comment. Ignores everything until a ).

bl ( — char )

char is the PETSCII character for a space.


Display one space.

spaces ( n — )

Display n spaces.


Clears the screen.


Reverse screen output.


1+ ( a — b )

Increase top of stack value by 1.

1- ( a — b )

Decrease top of stack value by 1.

2+ ( a — b )

Increase top of stack value by 2.

2* ( a — b )

Multiply top of stack value by 2.

2/ ( a — b )

Divide top of stack value by 2.

100/ ( a — b )

Divides top of stack value by $100.

+! ( n a — )

Add n to memory address a.

+ ( a b — c )

Add a and b.

- ( a b — c )

Subtract b from a.

* ( a b — c )

Multiply a with b.

/ ( a b — q )

Divide a with b using floored division.

/mod ( a b — r q )

Divide a with b, giving remainder r and quotient q.

mod ( a b — r )

Remainder of a divided by b.

*/ ( a b c — q )

Multiply a with b, then divide by c, using a 32-bit intermediary.

*/mod ( a b c — r q )

Like */, but also keeping remainder r.

0< ( a — b )

Is a negative?

negate ( a — b )

Negate a.

abs ( a — b )

Give absolute value of a.

min ( a b — c )

Give the lesser of a and b.

max ( a b — c )

Give the greater of a and b.

within ( n lo hi — flag )

Return true if lo ≤ n < hi.

< ( n1 n2 — flag )

Is n1 less than n2? (Signed.)

> ( n1 n2 — flag )

Is n1 greater than n2? (Signed.)

u< ( u1 u2 — flag )

Is u1 less than u2? (Unsigned.)

u> ( u1 u2 — flag )

Is u1 greater than u2? (Unsigned.)

lshift ( a b — c )

Binary shift a left by b.

rshift ( a b — c )

Binary shift a right by b.

base ( — addr )

addr is the address of a cell that holds the numerical base.


Set the numerical base to 10.


Set the numerical base to 16.


The following words use double-cell integers. On the stack, the cell containing the most significant part of a double-cell integer is above the cell containing the least significant part.

dabs ( d — ud )

Produce the absolute value of d.

dnegate ( d — d )

Negate the double-cell integer d.

s>d ( n — d )

Convert the number n to the double-cell number d.

m+ ( d n — d )

Add n to double-cell number d.

m* ( a b — d )

Multiply a with b, producing a double-cell value.

um* ( a b — ud )

Multiply a with b, giving the unsigned double-cell number ud.

um/mod ( ud n — r q )

Divide double-cell number ud by n, giving remainder r and quotient q. Values are unsigned.

fm/mod ( d n — r q )

Divide double-cell number d by n, giving the floored quotient q and the remainder r. Values are signed.


0= ( a — flag)

Is a equal to zero?

0<> ( a — flag )

Is a not equal to 0?

= ( a b — flag )

Is a equal to b?

<> ( a b — flag )

Does a differ from b?

and ( a b — c )

Binary and.

or ( a b — c )

Binary or.

xor ( a b — c )

Binary exclusive or.

invert ( a — b )

Flip all bits of a.


! ( value address — )

Store 16-bit value at address.

@ ( address — value )

Fetch 16-bit value from address.

c! ( value address — )

Store 8-bit value at address.

c@ ( address — value )

Fetch 8-bit value from address.

fill ( addr len char — )

Fill range [addr, len + addr) with char.

move ( src dst len — )

Copies a region of memory len bytes long, starting at src, to memory beginning at dst.


: ( "name" — )

Define the word with the given name and enter compilation state.

:noname ( — xt )

Create an execution token and enter compilation state.

; ( — )

End the current definition, allow it to be found in the dictionary and go back to interpretation state.

code ( "name" — )

Start assembling a new word.


End assembler.

, ( n — )

Write word on stack to here position and increase here by 2.

c, ( n — )

Write byte on stack to here position and increase here by 1.

allot ( n — )

Add n bytes to the body of the most recently defined word.

literal ( n — )

Compile a value from the stack as a literal value. Typical use: : x …​ [ a b * ] literal …​ ;

[char] ( "c" — )

Compile character c as a literal value.

[ ( — )

Leave compile mode. Execute the following words immediately instead of compiling them.

] ( — )

Return to compile mode. immediate:: Mark the most recently defined word as immediate (i.e. inside colon definitions, it will be executed immediately instead of compiled).

['] name ( — xt )

Place name’s execution token xt on the stack. The execution token returned by the compiled phrase ['] x is the same value returned by ' x outside of compilation state. Typical use: : x ... ['] name ... ;

compile, ( xt — )

Append jsr xt to the word being compiled. Typical use: : recurse immed latest >xt compile, ;

postpone xxx

Compile the compilation semantics (instead of interpretation semantics) of xxx. Typical use:

: endif postpone then ; immediate
: x ... if ... endif ... ;
header ( "name" — )

Create a dictionary header named name.

create ( "name" — ) …​ does>

Create a word-creating word named name with custom behavior specified after does>. For further description, see "Starting Forth."

state ( — addr)

addr is the address of a cell containing the compilation-state flag. It is 1 when compiling, otherwise 0.

latest ( — value )

Address of the latest defined header.

here ( — value )

Write position of the Forth compiler (usually first unused byte of code space). Many C64 assemblers refer to this as program counter or '*'.

marker ( "name" — )

Create a word that when called, forgets itself and all words that were defined after it. Example:

marker forget
: x ; forget

Word List

hide ( "name" — )

Remove name from the word list, while leaving its definition in place.

define ( "name" — )

Assign here as the execution token of word name and enter the compilation state.

defcode ( "name" — )

Like define, but starts a code segment instead.

dowords ( xt — )

Execute xt once for every word in the word list, passing the name token of the word to xt, until the word list is exhausted or xt returns false. The invoked xt has the stack effect ( k * x nt — l * x flag ). If flag is true, dowords will continue on to the next name, otherwise it will return.

\ from debug.fs
: (words) more name>string space 1 ;
: words ['] (words) dowords ;



Values are fast to read, slow to write. Use values for variables that are rarely changed.

1 value foo

Create value foo and set it to 1.

2 constant bar

Create constant value bar and set it to 2.


Fetch value of foo.

0 to foo

Set foo to 0.


Variables are faster to write to than values.

variable bar

Define variable bar.

bar @

Fetch value of variable bar.

1 bar !

Set variable bar to 1.

Control Flow

Control functions only work in compile mode, not in interpreter.

if …​ then

condition IF true-part THEN rest

if …​ else …​ then

condition IF true-part ELSE false-part THEN rest

do .. loop

Start a loop with index and limit. Example:

: print0to7 8 0 do i . loop ;
do .. +loop

Start a loop with a custom increment. Example:

( prints odd numbers from 1 to n )
: printoddnumbers (n -- ) 1 do i . 2 +loop ;
i, j

Variables to be used inside do .. loop constructs. i gives inner loop index, j gives outer loop index.


Leave the innermost loop.


Discard the loop-control parameters. Allows clean ((exit)) from within a loop.

: x 0 0 do unloop exit loop ;
begin .. again

Infinite loop.

begin .. until

BEGIN loop-part condition UNTIL. Loop until condition is true.

begin .. while .. repeat

BEGIN condition WHILE loop-part REPEAT. Repeat loop-part while condition is true.


Exit function. Typical use: : X test IF EXIT THEN …​ ;


Jump to the start of the word being compiled.

case .. endcase, of .. endof

Switch statements.

: tellno ( n -- )
1 of ." one" endof
2 of ." two" endof
3 of ." three" endof
     ." other" endcase ;


key ( — c )

Get one character from the keyboard.

key? ( — flag )

Return true if a character is available for key.

getc ( — c )

Consume the next character from the input buffer and increases >in by one. If no characters are available, the input buffer is refilled as needed.

char ( — c )

Parse the next word, delimited by a space, and puts its first character on the stack.

>in ( — addr )

Give the address of a cell containing the offset in characters from the start of the input buffer to the start of the parse area.

refill ( — flag )

Attempt to fill the input buffer from the input source, returning true if successful.

source ( — caddr u )

Give the address of, and number of characters in, the input buffer.

source-id ( — n )

Return 0 if current input is keyboard, -1 if it is a string from evaluate, or the current file id.

word ( delim — addr )

Read a word from input, using delimiter delim, and puts the string address on the stack. If the delimiter is the space character, non-breaking space (hex a0) will also be treated as a delimiter.

parse-name ( name — caddr u )

Read a word from input, delimited by whitespace. Skips leading spaces.

interpret ( — value )

Interpret a word from input and puts it on the stack.

accept ( addr u — u )

Receive a string of at most u characters into the buffer that starts at addr. Return how many characters were received.

evaluate ( addr len — )

Evaluate the given string.


Clear the data stack and perform quit.

abort" ccc" ( f — )

If f is true, print ccc and abort. Typical use: : x …​ test abort" error" …​ ;


Enter an endless loop where DurexForth interprets Forth commands from the keyboard. The word is named "quit" since it can be used to quit a program. It also does cleanup tasks like resetting I/O.

pad ( — addr )

addr is the address of the pad, a 161-byte memory region that can be used freely by user words. No built-in words will modify this region.



Print a string. Example: .( foo)


Compile-time version of .(. Example: : foo ." bar" ;

s" ( — caddr u )

Define a string. Compile-time only! Example: s" foo".

count ( str — caddr u )

Return data address and length of the counted string str.

type ( caddr u — )

Print a string.

/string ( caddr u n — caddr+n u-n )

Adjust the string by n characters.

Number Formatting

For more info about number formatting, read Starting Forth.


Begin the number conversion process.

# ( ud — ud )

Convert one digit and puts it in the start of the output string.

#s ( ud — ud )

Call # and repeats until ud is zero.

hold ( ch — )

Insert the character ch at the start of the output string.

sign ( a — )

If a is negative, insert a minus sign at the start of the output string.

#> ( xd — addr u )

Drop xd and returns the output string.

Vectored Execution

' ( "name" — addr )

Find execution token of the word named name.

find ( cstr — cstr 0 | xt -1 | xt 1 )

Find the definition named in the counted string cstr. If the definition is not found, return cstr and 0, otherwise return the execution token. If the definition is immediate, also return 1, otherwise also return -1.

find-name ( caddr u — 0 | nt )

Get the name token (dictionary pointer) of the word named by caddr u, or 0 if the word is not found.

execute ( xt — )

Execute the execution token xt.

>xt ( addr — xt )

Get execution token of word at adress addr.



List all defined words.

size ( "name" — )

Print the size of the definition of the word named name.

dump ( n — )

Memory dump starting at address n.


Continue memory dump where last one stopped.

see ( "name" — )

Print the definition of the word named name. Works on colon definitions only. Optionally included with include see.

Disk I/O

include ( "filename" — )

Load and parse file. Example: include test

included ( filenameptr filenamelen — )

Load and parse file.

require ( "filename" — )

Like include, except that load is skipped if the file is already loaded.

required ( filenameptr filenamelen — )

Like included, except that load is skipped if the file is already loaded.

loadb ( filenameptr filenamelen dst — endaddr )

Load binary data to dst. Returns 0 on failure, otherwise address after last written byte.

saveb ( start end filenameptr filenamelength — )

Save binary data.

device ( device# — )

Switch the active device.

save-forth ( "filename" — )

Save the forth to the given filename.


Load and print disk directory with optional drive # and wildcards. Example: ls $1:*=p Load directory for drive 1, only prg files.

rdir ( addr — )

Display disk directory previously loaded to addr.

DOS Commands

Words for sending DOS commands to drives and reading drive status are available by including the dos module.

send-cmd ( c-addr u — )

Write the given string to secondary address 15 on the current device, and print the drive’s response. The following example defines a word, backup that creates a copy of durexforth called backup:

: backup s" copy0:backup=durexforth" send-cmd ;

dos ( "cmd" — )] Send cmd to the current device’s command channel, and print the response. Note that the remainder of the line is treated as part of the command. This makes it possible to refer to file names that contain spaces, but means that dos and its command should be on their own line, or the last words on a line. Example: dos scratch0:old file will delete a file named old file.

Low-Level Device I/O

For more advanced uses, words corresponding to the standard Commodore Kernal IO routines are available by including the io module.

open ( filenameptr filenamelength file# secondary-addr — ioresult )

Open a logical file.

chkin ( file# — ioresult )

Use a logical file as input device.

chkout ( file# — ioresult )

Use a logical file as output device.

clrchn ( — )

Reset input and output to the keyboard and screen.

close ( file# — )

Close a logical file.

readst ( — status )

Return the status of the last IO operation. For serial-bus devices, $01 = write timeout, $02 = read timeout, $40 = end of file (EOI), $80 = device not present.

chrin ( — char)

Read a character from the current input device. ioabort ( ioresult — ) Handle error conditions for open, chkin and chkout. On failure, print error message and abort.

As per the underlying Kernal routines, chrin does not check for end-of-file or any other error condition. readst should be called to ensure that the returned character is valid.

The ioresult value returned by open, chkin and chkout is 0 on success, or a Kernal error number if an error occurred.


Low-level device I/O may interfere with disk accesses done by durexForth and the v editor. The following guidelines should be followed to avoid interference:

  • Avoid using file numbers 15 and below (remember, any number up to 127 can be used as a file number).

  • Only use input/output redirection (chkin and chkout) within word definitions, and ensure that clrchn is called before exit.

  • Close files as soon as they are no longer needed.

  • If multiple files are open, always call clrchn to end any serial bus transactions before calling open or switching between files with chkin or chkout.


The compat module contains various words that are not deemed necessary for enjoyable DurexForth operation, but still must be provided to comply with the Forth 2012 core standard.

environment? ( addr u — 0 )

Environmental query.

cell+ ( n — n+2 )


cells ( n — n*2 )


char+ ( n — n+1 )


align ( — )


aligned ( — )


chars ( — )


2@ ( addr — x1 x2 )

Fetch 32-bit value from addr. x2 is stored at addr, and x1 is stored at addr + 2.

2! ( x1 x2 addr — )

Store 32-bit value to addr. x2 is stored at addr, and x1 is stored at addr + 2.

2over ( a b c d — a b c d a b )

Copy cell pair a b to top of stack.

2swap ( a b c d — c d a b )

Exchange the top two cell pairs.

>number ( ud addr u — ud addr2 u2 )

Convert the string in addr u to digits, using base, and adds each digit into ud after multiplying it with base. addr2 u2 contains the part of the string that was not converted.

>body ( xt — addr )

Return the data field address that belongs to the execution token. Example use: ' foo >body

sm/rem ( d n — r q )

Divide double-cell number d by n, giving the symmetric quotient q and the remainder r. Values are signed.

Kernel Calls

Safe kernel calls may be done from Forth words using sys ( addr — ). The helper variables ar, xr, yr and sr can be used to set arguments and get results through the a, x, y and status registers.

Example: '0' ar c! $ffd2 sys calls the CHROUT routine, which prints 0 on screen.

Turn-key Utilities

These words are available by including turnkey.

top ( — addr )

Address of the top of the dictionary, default: $9fff.

top! ( addr — )

Relocate the dictionary to addr. Example:

\ not using $a000 block, give all memory to dictionary
$cbff top!
save-pack ( "filename" — )

Save a compact version of forth to the given filename.

save-prg ( "filename" — )

Save a forth program with no dictionary to filename.

Further details on the use of these words are outlined in Turn-key Operation.


Turtle Graphics

Turtle graphics are mostly known from LOGO, a 1970s programming language. It enables control of a turtle that can move and turn while holding a pen. The turtle graphics library is loaded with include turtle.

init ( — )

Initialize turtle graphics.

forward ( px — )

Move the turtle px pixels forward.

back ( px — )

Move the turtle px pixels back.

left ( deg — )

Rotate the turtle deg degrees left.

right ( deg — )

Rotate the turtle deg degrees right.

penup ( — )

Pen up (disables drawing).

pendown ( — )

Pen down (enables drawing).

turtle@ ( — state )

Remember turtle state.

turtle! ( state — )

Restore turtle state as earlier read by turtle@.

moveto ( x y deg — )

Move turtle to x y with angle deg.

High-Resolution Graphics

The high-resolution graphics library is loaded with include gfx. It is inspired by "Step-by-Step Programming Commodore 64: Graphics Book 3." Some demonstrations can be found in gfxdemo.

hires ( — )

Enter the high-resolution drawing mode.

lores ( — )

Switch back to low-resolution text mode.

clrcol ( colors — )

Clear the high-resolution display using colors. Colors is a byte value with foreground color in high nibble, background color in low nibble. E.g. 15 clrcol clears the screen with green background, white foreground.

blkcol ( col row colors — )

Change colors of the 8x8 block at given position.

plot ( x y — )

Set the pixel at x, y.

peek ( x y — p )

Get the pixel at x, y.

line ( x y — )

Draw a line to x, y.

circle ( x y r — )

Draw a circle with radius r around x, y.

erase ( mode — )

Change blit method for line drawing. 1 erase uses xor for line drawing, 0 erase switches back to or.

paint ( x y — )

Paint the area at x, y.

text ( column row str strlen — )

Draw a text string at the given position. E.g. 10 8 parse-name hallo text draws the message hallo at column 16, row 8.

drawchar ( column row addr — )

Draw a custom character at given column and row, using the 8 bytes long data starting at addr.


The sid module contains low-level words for controlling the SID chip. To load it, type include sid. To test that it works, run sid-demo.

Voice Control

((voice! ( n — )

Select SID voice 0-2.

((freq! ( n — )

Write 16-bit frequency.

((pulse! ( n — )

Write 16-bit pulse value.

((control! ( n — )

Write 8-bit control value.

srad! ( srad — )

Write 16-bit ADSR value. (Bytes are swapped.)

note! ( n — )

Play note in range [0, 94], where 0 equals C-0. The tuning is correct for PAL.

SID Control

cutoff! ( n — )

Write 16-bit filter cutoff value.

filter! ( n — )

Write 8-bit filter value.

volume! ( n — )

Write 8-bit volume.


Music Macro Language

Music Macro Language (MML) has been used since the 1970s to sequence music on computer and video game systems. The MML package is loaded with include mml. Two demonstration songs can be found in the mmldemo package.

MML songs are played using the Forth word play-mml which takes three strings, one MML melody for each of the three SID voices. An example song is as follows:

: frere-jaques
s" o3l4fgaffgafab->c&c<ab->c&cl8cdc<b-l4af>l8cdc<b-l4affcf&ffcf&f"
s" r1o3l4fgaffgafab->c&c<ab->c&cl8cdc<b-l4af>l8cdc<b-l4affcf&ffcf&f"
s" " play-mml ;



The letters c to b represent musical notes. Sharp notes are produced by appending a +, flat notes are produced by appending a -. The length of a note is specified by appending a number representing its length as a fraction of a whole note. For example, c8 represents a C eight note, and f+2 an F# half note. Valid note lengths are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 16, 24 and 32. Appending a . increases the duration of the note by half of its value.


Followed by a number, o selects the octave the instrument will play in.


A rest. The length of the rest is specified in the same manner as the length of a note.

< >

Used to step down or up one octave.


Followed by a number, specifies the default length used by notes or rests which do not explicitly specify one.


Ties two notes together.


DurexForth features a simple but useful 6510 assembler with support for branches and labels. Assembly code is typically used within a code word, as in the tutorial example:

code flash
here        ( push current addr )
$d020 inc,  ( inc $d020 )
jmp,        ( jump to pushed addr )

It is also possible to inline assembly code into a regular Forth word, as seen in the tutorial:

: flash begin [ $d020 inc, ] again ;


DurexForth has a few variables that are specifically meant to be used within code words.

lsb ( — addr )

addr points to the top of the LSB parameter stack. Together with the x register, it can be used to access stack contents.

msb ( — addr )

addr points to the top of the MSB parameter stack. Together with the x register, it can be used to access stack contents.

w ( — addr )

A zero-page cell that code words may use freely as work area.

w2 ( — addr )

Second zero-page work area cell.

w3 ( — addr )

Third zero-page work area cell.

Example usage of lsb and msb:

code + ( n1 n2 -- sum )
clc,           ( clear carry )
lsb 1+ lda,x   ( load n1 lsb )
lsb adc,x      ( add n2 lsb )
lsb 1+ sta,x   ( store to n1 lsb )
msb 1+ lda,x   ( load n1 msb )
msb adc,x      ( add n2 msb )
msb 1+ sta,x   ( store to n2 msb )
inx,           ( drop n2; n1 = sum )


The assembler supports forward and backward branches. These branches cannot overlap each other, so their usage is limited to simple cases.

+branch ( — addr )

Forward branch.

:+ ( addr — )

Forward branch target.

:- ( — addr )

Backward branch target.

-branch ( addr — )

Backward branch.

Example of a forward branch:

foo lda,
+branch beq,
bar inc, :+

Example of a backward branch:

:- $d014 lda, f4 cmp,#
-branch bne,


The labels module adds support for more complicated flows where branches can overlap freely. These branches are resolved by the ;code word, so it is not possible to branch past it.

@: ( n — )

Create the assembly label n, where n is a number in range [0, 255].

@@ ( n — )

Compile a branch to the label n.


code checkers
$7f lda,# 0 ldy,# 'l' @:
$400 sta,y $500 sta,y
$600 sta,y $700 sta,y
dey, 'l' @@ bne, ;code

Configuring durexForth

Stripping Modules

By default, durexForth boots up with these modules pre-compiled in RAM:


The assembler. (Required and may not be stripped.)


Numerical formatting words. (Also required.)


Wordlist manipulation. (Required by some modules.)


Assembler labels.


Do-loop words.


System calls.


Words for debugging.


List disk contents.


The words require and required.


The text editor.

To reduce RAM usage, you may make a stripped-down version of durexForth. Do this by following these steps:

  1. Issue ---modules--- to unload all modules, or ---editor--- to unload the editor only.

  2. One by one, load the modules you want included with your new Forth. (E.g. include labels)

  3. Save the new system with e.g. save-forth acmeforth.

Custom Start-Up

You may launch a word automatically at start-up by setting the variable start to the execution token of the word. Example: ' megademo start ! To save the new configuration to disk, type e.g. save-forth megademo.

When writing a new program using a PC text editor, it is practical to configure durexForth to compile and execute the program at startup. That can be set up using the following snippet:

$a000 value buf
: go buf s" myprogramfile" buf
loadb buf - evaluate ;
' go start !
save-forth @0:durexforth

Turn-key Operation

Durexforth offers utilities to save your program in a turn-key fashion by including the turnkey module once the program is ready to be saved.

Programs can be saved in a compacted state using save-pack. These programs are stored with 32 bytes between here and latest. When they are first loaded, they will restore the header space to its original top.

If you have developed a program that has no further need of the interpreter, you can eliminate the dictionary headers entirely when saving with save-prg. This allows your program to use memory down to here plus 32 bytes for safety.

After either of these words have saved the file to disk, they will restore forth to the unpacked state, and strip the turnkey module from the dictionary. This allows you to continue to use forth interactively in the case of save-pack. As save-prg has stripped the dictionary headers from the system, it will no longer be usable. If you wish to test your program after saving, you can compile a call to save-prg instead:

: build save-prg mydemo start @ execute ;

This will simulate the start-up sequence after saving the packed program.

Appendix A: Assembler Mnemonics

adc,# adc, adc,x adc,y adc,(x) adc,(y)
and,# and, and,x and,y and,(x) and,(y)
asl,a asl, asl,x
cmp,# cmp, cmp,x cmp,y cmp,(x) cmp,(y)
cpx,# cpx,
cpy,# cpy,
dec, dec,x
eor,# eor, eor,x eor,y eor,(x) eor,(y)
inc, inc,x
jmp, (jmp),
lda,# lda, lda,x lda,y lda,(x) lda,(y)
ldx,# ldx, ldx,y
ldy ldy,# ldy, ldy,x
lsr,a lsr, lsr,x
ora,# ora, ora,x ora,y ora,(x) ora,(y)
rol,a rol, rol,x
ror,a ror, ror,x
sbc,# sbc, sbc,x sbc,y sbc,(x) sbc,(y)
sta, sta,x sta,y sta,(x) sta,(y)
stx, stx,y
sty, sty,x

Appendix B: Memory Map

3 - $3a

Parameter stack, lsb section.

$3b - $72

Parameter stack, msb section.

$8b - $8c

w (work area for code words).

$8d - $8e

w2 (work area for code words).

$9e - $9f

w3 (work area for code words).

$100 - $1ff

Return stack.

$200 - $258

Text input buffer.

$33C - $35A

find buffer.

$35B - $3FB

pad Scratch pad memory, Cassette Buffer, untouched by DurexForth.

$801 - here

Forth Kernel followed by code and data space.

latest - $9fff

Dictionary. Grows downwards as needed.

$a000 - $cbff

Editor text buffer.

$cc00 - $cfff

Hi-res graphics colors.

$d000 - $dfff

I/O area.

$e000 - $ffff

Kernal / hi-res graphics bitmap.

Appendix C: Word Anatomy

Let us define a word and see what it gets compiled to.

: bg $d020 c! ;

Information about the word is split into two areas of memory, the dictionary and the code/data space. Code and data are placed in an upward-growing segment starting at $801, and the dictionary grows downward from top. latest points to the last dictionary record. A dictionary record consists of a counted string with flags, and an execution token (xt).

To inspect the dictionary entry, type latest dump. You should see something like this:

6228  02 42 47 fd 39 28 39 01 .bg.9(9.

For this run, the name token of bg is placed at address $6228. The first byte, 02, is the name length (bg has two characters). After that, the string bg follows. ($42 = b, $47 = g). The final two bytes contain the execution token of bg, starting at $39fd.

The name length byte is also used to store special attributes of the word. Bit 7 is "immediate" flag, which means that the word should execute immediately instead of being compiled into word definitions. (( is such an example of an immediate word that does not get compiled.) Bit 6 is the "no-tail-call-elimination" flag, which makes sure that tail call elimination (the practice of replacing jsr/rts with jmp) is not performed if this word is the jsr target. Since bg does not have these flags set, bits 7 and 6 are both clear.

We saw that the bg execution token is $39fd. To inspect the code, type $39fd dump or latest >xt dump.

The code section contains pure 6502 machine code.

39fd  20 15 11 20 d0 4c 0e 09  .. Pl..
20 15 11

jsr $1115. $1115 is the address of the lit code. lit copies the two following bytes to parameter stack.

20 d0

$d020. The parameter to the lit word. When executed, lit will add $d020 to the parameter stack.

4c 0e 09

jmp $90e. $90e is the address of the c! code.

Appendix D: Avoiding Stack Crashes

Stack overflow and underflow are common causes for errors and crashes. Simply put, the data stack must not contain too many or too few items. This section describes some techniques to avoid such errors.

One helpful technique to avoid stack crashes is to add comments about stack usage. In this example, we imagine a graphics word "drawbox" that draws a black box. ( color -- ) indicates that it takes one argument on stack, and on exit it should leave nothing on the stack. The comments inside the word (starting with £) indicate what the stack looks like after the line has executed.

: drawbox ( color -- )
10 begin dup 20 < while £ color x
10 begin dup 20 < while £ color x y
2dup £ color x y x y
4 pick £ color x y x y color
blkcol £ color x y
1+ repeat drop £ color x
1+ repeat 2drop ;

Once the word is working as supposed, it may be nice to again remove the comments, as they are no longer very interesting to read.

The Forth standard defines backslash (\) as the line comment character, but the C64 lacks a real backslash. Moreover, ASCII \ and PETSCII £ both map to $5c. Therefore, the £ character is used as a substitution on the C64.

Another useful technique during development is to check at the end of your main loop that the stack depth is what you expect it to. This will catch stack underflows and overflows.

: mainloop begin
( do stuff here... )
depth abort" depth not 0"
again ;

Appendix E: Internet Resources

Appendix F: License

Copyright (c) 2008 Johan Kotlinski, Mats Andrén
Copyright (c) 2012 Kevin Lee Reno
Copyright (c) 2017 Corey Minter
Copyright (c) 2020 Poindexter Frink, Richard Halkyard

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

Forth Interest Group UK. Public domain.
Copyright (c) 2002 Garth Wilson. Public domain.
Copyright (c) 1995 Craig Bruce. Public domain.